Thursday, April 17, 2008

TV Rots Your Brain...

I don't know if the above is true but if it is, then Amanda and I have mush in our domes right now after last night...

I know, I know, I'm supposed to be uploading and telling stories from this past weekend...But I'm too lazy to download all the pics and tell all the stories right now. I'll work on it...

It seems like Amanda and I haven't had a full on lurk fest in awhile so we treated ourselves last night...7 - 11 TV watching (I took it until about 2am after she left)...No talking about work, no talking about the wedding, no talking about anything....Just best friends laying on the couch together enjoying each other's company....

In the midst of our lurking I've come up with a couple questions/conclusions?

1) I haven't watched Survivor in a long time and I was surprised by what's going on with the show now in Micronesia...It seems as if you have to look good without clothes to get on the show now. I thought I was watching Real World/Road Rules Challenge...What happened to overweight gay naked dudes?

2) I love The Office. My life has gotten significantly better over the last two weeks because of the new episodes...Favorite line tonight from Michael, "What's going on Oscar Myer Weiner.....lover". How one does not like this show is beyond me. I get a sense of night before Christmas feelings on Wed. nights because I know about the goodness I get to partake in on Thursday evening with Michael Scott and gang...

3) The re-run of Battle Garlic on Iron Chef America was phenomenal...
Mario Batali is a beast in the kitchen...Even with those lame clogs he rocks...Costentino did throw down though..

4) I wish I had the stones to be a crab fisherman...Deadliest Catch is freakin' awesome and I think Discovery Channel is the off the chain bad arse overall.

That's it...Gotta go...Survivorman starts pretty soon...

1 comment:

Brownman said...

Survivor is one of my fav's. I have actually debated auditioning for the show. I would totally win....